Character, Competency, Connection: HR Students Convention Focuses on Holistic Development

The Human Resource Students Association of the Philippines (HRSAP), in partnership with the Rizal Technological University (RTU) Department of HRDM, successfully held its 8th Annual Human Resource Students Convention on January 14 at Tanghalang Pasigueño. This year’s theme centered on embracing the disruptions transforming the human resource landscape, preparing future HR professionals for the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world.

The convention offered attendees valuable insights into current HR trends, emphasizing the paramount importance of credibility and character over mere credentials. Speakers delivered their messages with a blend of engaging presentations, humor, and practical wisdom.

Ms. Penny Bongato, author, professional coach, and certified trainer, challenged the audience to abandon mediocrity and strive for excellence in their work. She shared her success principles, emphasizing the importance of taking 100% responsibility for one’s life and recognizing that individual responses to situations shape future outcomes.

Mr. Delane Lim, a suicide prevention specialist, youth ambassador, life and business coach, discussed the future of the disruptive workforce and the qualities of a human capital leader. “In order to be innovators in the field, we need to build our capacity, competency, credentials, and most importantly, our character,” Lim stated, highlighting the importance of holistic development for HR practitioners.

Mr. Michael Angelo Lobrin III, actor, brand endorser, best-selling author, and inspirational speaker, reminded attendees that learning should not be limited to technical skills. He emphasized the crucial role of character in HR, noting that practitioners act as mediators between management and workforce, and must prioritize being good people above all else.

Mr. Lionel Dorai, life coach, trainer, and wildlife advocate, spoke about the importance of embracing diversity, cultivating empathy, and viewing failure as a learning experience. His message encouraged attendees to challenge their biases and embrace those who are different.

The organizers believe that the convention provided students with the tools, engagement, and empowerment they need to navigate the rapidly changing and competitive human capital industry. The event equipped them not only with knowledge but also with the inspiration and motivation to become impactful HR leaders.