HREAP Welcomes 12 New Members from RTU

The Human Resource Educators’ Association of the Philippines, Inc. (HREAP) warmly welcomed twelve new members from Rizal Technological University (RTU) during an oath-taking ceremony held at Tanghalang Pasigueno on September 26, 2018.

Professor Perry David L. Solosa, HREAP EVP and Director for Membership, administered the oath. RTU has consistently been one of the association’s most active participating universities. This year, HREAP is focused on expanding its membership base as it strives to achieve its vision of becoming the leading professional membership organization for human resource educators in the Philippines.

HREAP President, Professor Lardizabal, emphasized the advantages of a diverse membership. He also shared that the association is planning to establish regional chapters to more effectively address local issues facing both academia and industry in the field of human resources. This move aims to further strengthen the connection between HR education and practical application in the workplace.