HR Exchange Live: Corporate Learning APAC – FREE Online Event | Earn SHRM Credits

HR Exchange Live: Corporate Learning APAC is here and only a few weeks away! There’s still time to register to attend this extraordinary online event, featuring compelling presentations by industry leaders from companies in your region such as D2L, Cypher, Knolskape, Whatfix, Humm Group and more!

How the Event Works
This is a highly interactive online experience tailored to yours, and the APAC region’s needs of future-proofing, developing leadership skills, and taking on our new digital workforce. Our speakers will be discussing important topics for learning executives including leadership challenges and opportunities, strategy development, learning technology and more!

What You’ll Receive
During a combination of 6 sessions—3 full hours—attendees will gain access to an expanding library of content featuring insights and analysis from subject matter experts and trusted researchers within the industry. By attending live, participants will receive SHRM credits.

Who You Will Meet
During each session, you will have the opportunity to interact with each speaker live and ask them your most pressing questions. They will be sharing their insights on how they have achieved success while surrounded by like-minded learning and HR professionals also joining the event.

We hope you’ll join us for this exciting new career development experience. Seats are filling up fast, make sure you reserve yours now! I hope to see you virtually.