HREAP visits CavSU – Imus Campus

The Human Resource Educators’ Association of the Philippines (HREP) visited Cavite State University – Imus Campus on July 29, 2019. The team was welcomed by Dr. Cynthia R. dela Cruz (Campus Administrator), Dr. Alfe M. Solina (Chairperson, Department of Management) and Prof. Rosario B. Gumban (CavSU Faculty and HREAP Member). Prof. Joseph M. Lardizabal (HREAP[…]

FHRP of Leon Guinto Memorial College signs MOA with HRSAP National

The Future Human Resource Professionals (FHRP) of Leon Guinto Memorial College (LGMC) formalized a partnership with the Human Resource Students’ Association of the Philippines (HRSAP) on July 15, 2019, through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing. HRSAP is the student arm of the Human Resource Educators’ Association of the Philippines (HREAP). The agreement paves the[…]